Thursday 26 May 2011

First Time Blogger :)

Hi There!

This is my first time blogging.... I figured it could be a good opportunity for everyone to stay involved with all of the fun things going on up at the farm... Especially with all the baby animals, a beautiful vegetable garden, the best restaurant in High Prairie, and of course, SMITH! Sooo, here we go!

Today, as it stands, we have 1 Calf, 1 Foal, and 9 Lambs... 1 of which is a bottle baby named Sophie! As a lot of you know, I helped to save her life, as she was the runt of 3 and was severely malnourished. Long story short, I found her, helped to revive her and now she is happy, growing (very quickly, I might add) and doing well! The Foal - Her name is Hunny, and she is also growing at an incredible rate! SHE IS HUGE ALREADY! I made sure to spend lots of time with her since she was very first born, and as it turns out, she is a VERY friendly little horse! I love her. Smith is a very lucky boy... Grandpa takes him for lots of horse rides and has turned into quite the little farmer! He is always willing to lend a "helping" hand, though, things seem to move quite a bit slower when he's in there "helping" haha! But he has such a kind heart and he tries his best! In a week, we are getting 25 chicks to raise (for meat and eggs!) and about a week after that, I am getting 3 Berkshire Piglets! 1 girl, and 2 boys. The basic rule of thumb on the farm is to raise the girls, and eat the boys. Sorry boys. But that's the way it is... If you really know me, you know that this is going to be hard for me. We'll see how I do when the time comes. We are still expecting more calves and foals within the next few weeks, as well as 1-2 more lambs. 

The restaurant is doing well.... We had a VERY busy week last week with all of the evacuees from the Slave Lake fires and surrounding areas. We mostly got people from the surrounding areas (mostly from the reserves) and it was a very frustrating week- and that's the understatement of the century! I don't really want to get into the details... haha! Now we are recovering, and trying to get back into the groove of things, which is such a relief. We are very excited to have local suppliers COMING TO US wanting us to use their products in our restaurant! It's great to have other companies realize what our goals are, and also for us to be able to support some local buisnesses, which was what we had originally wanted! It's cool.

Smith is growing quicker than I can keep up with! 2 nights ago, we switched his crib over to a big boy bed! He is doing pretty good in it too! The first night was a little rocky, but we got through it! He loves all the animals and has adjusted really well to living on the farm. He knows all of the farm animals and the noises that they make! He is saying lots of little words like kitty, dog, car (everything is a car), belly, teeth, Dianne, Ash, Kyle, Daddy, duck, tea, and a lot of other small words. He also SINGS! He sings the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse "Hotdog Song"  using only the word Dog! haha! It's awesome. He's a handful, and I didn't know that he turned 2 already... Even through his little tantrums though, he's still a pretty good little guy and I consider myself VERY lucky. And I love him more than anything!

Now that May long weekend has passed, it's time to get the garden in... So soon enough that will be on the go, and I can't wait to get some veggies growing!

That's about all for now... Here is a cute video of Smith in that bath, being cute.... Don't worry, I tried to get as little nudity as possible! 

Lots of Love, 
Lindsay, Anthony & Smith.


  1. Smith isn't actually TWO already, is he? Holy smokes. It sounds like you guys are working really hard and having lots of fun. "Smiff" is a lucky little guy. Can't wait for more updates.

  2. HAHAH No... He's not 2... YET. whenever he throws a little tantrum I just say to him, Smith! I didn't know you turned two already... haha... I think it's funny, anyways.
